UPDATED UNTIL 01-07-2017
Rhee, C.H. van & Fu, Y. (eds.), Supreme Courts in transition in China and the West: Adjudication at the service of public goals (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice ; Vol. 59), Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, vi + 245 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Fu, Y. (eds.) Comparatives researches on case management in civil litigation in China and Europe, Beijing: Law Press China, 2016, 384 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A., Evidence in contemporary civil procedure: Fundamental issues in a comparative perspective (Ius Commune Europaeum 139), Antwerp: Intersentia, 2015, xvi + 362 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Harsagi, V. (eds.), Multi-party redress mechanisms in Europe: squeaking mice? (Ius Commune Europaeum, 133), Cambridge: Intersentia, 2014, xxxvi + 259 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A. (eds.), Nobody’s Perfect. Comparative essays on appeals and other means of recourse against judicial decisions in civil matters (Ius Commune Europaeum, 129), Antwerp: Intersentia, 2014, xx + 376 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Fu Yulin (eds.), Civil Litigation in China and Europe. Essays on the Role of the Judge and the Parties (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice 31), Springer: Dordrecht, 2014, x + 362 p.
Rhee, C.H. van, Eliantonio, M., Backes, Ch.W., Spronken, T.N.B.M. & Berlee, A. (eds.), Standing up for your right(s) in Europe. A comparative study on legal standing (Locus Standi) before the EU and Member States’ courts (Ius Commune Europaeum, 116), Antwerp-Oxford: Intersentia, 2013, xiv + 594 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Wijffels, A.A. (eds.), Hoogste gerechtshoven in Europa. Een historisch portret, Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Maklu-Uitgevers nv., 2013, 288 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Wijffels, A.A. (eds.), European Supreme Courts: A portrait through history, London: Millennium, 2013, 288 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Kramer, X. (eds.), Civil Litigation in a Globalising World, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer, 2012, x + 387 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Chen, L. (eds.), Towards a Chinese Civil Code. Comparative and historical perspectives, Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012, xiii + 562 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A. (eds.), Truth and efficiency in civil litigation. Fundamental aspects of fact-finding and evidence-taking in a comparative context (Ius Commune Europaeum, 111), Antwerp: Intersentia, 2012, xviii + 402 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A. (eds.), The Landscape of the Legal Professions in Europe and the USA: Continuity and Change (Ius Commune Europaeum, 95), Antwerp, 2011, 313 p.
Rhee, C.H. van, Lokin, J.H.A. & Milo, J.M. (eds.), Tweehonderd jaren codificatie van het privaatrecht in Nederland. Opstellen over (de geschiedenis van) het privaatrecht naar aanleiding van het tweede eeuwfeest van het Wetboek Napoleon ingerigt voor het Koningrijk Holland, Groningen, 2010, x + 165 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A. (eds.), Enforcement and Enforceability: Tradition and Reform (Ius Commune Europaeum, 84), Antwerp, 2010, xxxiv+331 p.
Rhee, C.H. van (ed.), Within a Reasonable Time: The History of Due and Undue Delay in Civil Litigation (Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, 28), Berlin, 2010, 353 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Sicking, L., Filips Wielant Verzameld Werk II: Briève Instruction en causes civiles, Brussel: Koninklijke Vlaamse Akademie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, 2009, 377 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & et al. (eds.), Fabrica Iuris, Nijmegen, 2009, xxxvi + 512 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A. (eds.), Access to Justice and the Judiciary. Towards New European Standards of Affordability, Quality and Efficiency of Civil Adjudication (Ius Commune Europaeum, 77), Antwerp, 2009, xvi + 230 p.
Rhee, C.H. van, D. Heirbaut, M. Storme (eds.), The French Code of civil procedure (1806) after 200 years: The civil procedure tradition in France and abroad / Le bicentenaire du Code de procédure civile (1806): La tradition de la procédure civile en France et à l’étranger / De Code de procédure civile (1806) na 200 jaar: De traditie van het Frans civiel procesrecht in vergelijkend perspectief, Mechelen, 2008, xx + 468 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & A. Uzelac (eds.), Civil Justice between Efficiency and Quality: From Ius Commune to the CEPEJ (Ius Commune Europaeum, 74), Antwerp, 2008, xvi + 270 p.
Rhee, C.H. van et al. (ed.), Judicial Case Management and Efficiency in Civil Litigation, Antwerpen, 2008, x + 181 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & A. Uzelac (eds.), Public and Private Justice: Dispute Resolution in Modern Societies, Antwerp, 2007, xiv+213 p.
Rhee, C.H. van et al. (eds.), Lietuvos CPK igyvendinimo Problemos. Nacionaliniai ir Tarptautiniai Aspektai, Vilnius, 2007, 396 p.
Rhee, C.H. van (ed.), European Traditions in Civil Procedure, Antwerp [etc.], 2005, xvi + 344 pp.
Rhee, C.H. van (ed.), The Law’s Delay. Essays on Undue Delay in Civil Litigation, Antwerp/Oxford/New York 2004, xxii + 398 pp.
Rhee, C.H. van, J.A. Jolowicz (eds.), Recourse against Judgments in the European Union, The Hague, 1999, xxiii + 320 pp.
Rhee, C.H. van, Litigation and Legislation. Civil Procedure at First Instance in the Great Council for the Netherlands in Malines (1522-1559), Brussels, 1997, xlx + 515 pp.
BOOKS IN TRANSLATION (non-Latin script)
Rhee, C.H. van, Uzelac, A., Yarkov, V. & Abolonin, V. (eds.), Enforcement and Enforceability, Moscow, Infotropic, 2011 (Cyrillic).
Rhee, C.H. van & Fu, Y. (eds.) Comparatives researches on case management in civil litigation in China and Europe, Beijing: Law Press China, 2016, 384 p. (Chinese).
Rhee, C.H. van & Fu, Y., Introduction, in: C. H. van Rhee, & Y. Fu (eds.), Supreme Courts in transition in China and the West: Adjudication at the service of public goals (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, 59), Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, p. 1-12.
Rhee, C.H. van & Verkerk, R., The Supreme Cassation Court of the Netherlands: Efficient engineer for the unity and development of the law, in: C. H. van Rhee, & Y. Fu (eds.), Supreme Courts in transition in China and the West: Adjudication at the service of public goals (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, 59). Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, p. 77-96.
Rhee, C.H. van, Evidence law in an international context: The principles of transnational civil procedure, in: V. Rijavec, T. Keresteš, & T. Ivanc (eds.), Dimensions of evidence in European civil procedure, Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2016, p. 11-28.
Rhee, C.H. van & Verkerk, R., Judicial case management in the Netherlands, in: Y. Fu & C.H. van Rhee (eds.), Comparative researches on case management in civil litigation in China and Europe, Beijing: Law Press China, 2016, p. 114-158.
Rhee, C.H. van, Paratitula iuris novissimi, dat is, een kort begrip van het Rooms-Hollandts-reght 1652. Simon van Leeuwen 1626-1682, in: S. Dauchy , G. Martyn, A. Musson, H. Pihlajamäki, & A. Wijffels (eds.), The formation and transmission of Western legal culture: 150 Books that made the law in the age of printing (Studies in the History of Law and Justice), Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016, p. 210-213.
Rhee, C.H. van, The Netherlands Commercial Court in an international context, Tijdschrift voor Civiele Rechtspleging (4) 2016, p. 120-121.
Rhee, C.H. van & van der Woude, W, Effects in time of judgments in the Netherlands: prospective overruling and related techniques, in: E. Steiner (ed.), Comparing the prospective effect of judicial rulings across jurisdictions (Ius Comparatum, Global Studies in Comparative Law), Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, p. 65-80.
Rhee, C.H. van (2015), Evidence in civil procedure in the Netherlands: Tradition and modernity, in: C.H. van Rhee & A. Uzelac (eds.), Evidence in contemporary civil procedure: Fundamental issues in a comparative perspective (Ius Commune Europaeum 139), Antwerp: Intersentia, 2015, p. 257-289.
Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A., Evidence in civil procedure: The fundamentals in light of the 21st century, in: C.H. van Rhee, & A. Uzelac (eds.), Evidence in contemporary civil procedure: Fundamental issues in a comparative perspective (Ius Commune Europaeum 139), Antwerp: Intersentia, 2015, p. 3-15.
Rhee, C.H. van & van der Woude, W., Judicial rulings with prospective effect: general legal theory, in: L. P. W. V. Vliet (ed.), Netherlands Reports to the Nineteenth International Congress of Comparative Law, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2015, p. 13-18.
Rhee, C.H. van, Appeal in civil and administrative cases in the Netherlands, in: C. H. van Rhee & A. Uzelac (eds.), Nobody’s Perfect. Comparative essays on appeals and other means of recourse against judicial decisions in civil matters (Ius Commune Europaeum 129), Antwerp, Intersentia, 2014, p. #…
Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A., Appeals and other means of recourse against judgments in the context of the effective protection of civil rights and obligations, in: C. H. V. Rhee & A. Uzelac (eds.), Nobody’s Perfect. Comparative essays on appeals and other means of recourse against judicial decisions in civil matters (Ius Commune Europaeum 129), Antwerp, Intersentia, 2014, p. #…
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil justice in pursuit of efficiency, in: A. Uzelac (ed.), Goals of civil justice and civil procedure in comtemporary judicial systems (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, 34), Dordrecht: Springer, 2014, p. 61-77.
Rhee, C.H. van & Tzankova, I.N., Collective reddress in the Netherlands, in: V. Harsagi & C.H. van Rhee (eds.), Multi-party redress mechanisms in Europe: squeaking mice? (Ius Commune Europaeum, 133), Cambridge: Intersentia, 2014, p. 209-224.
Rhee, C.H. van & Harsagi, V., Collective redress in the European Union. Comparative perspectives, in: V. Harsagi & C.H. van Rhee (eds.), Multi-party redress mechanisms in Europe: squeaking mice? (Ius Commune Europaeum, 133), Cambridge: Intersentia, 2014, p. xix-xxxvi.
Rhee, C.H. van, Obligations of the parties and their lawyers in Civil Litigation: The ALI/UNIDROIT Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure, in: J. Adolphsen & et al. (eds.), Festschrift für Peter Gottwald zum 70. Geburtstag, München: C.H.Beck, 2014, p. 669-679.
Rhee, C.H. van, The role of European superiour courts in shaping the law in Early-Modern Period, in: G.R. de Groot, T. Hartlief, J. Smits & L.P.W. van Vliet (eds.), Kritiek op recht. Liber amicorum Gerrit van Maanen, Deventer: Kluwer, 2014, p. 373-385.
Fernhout, F.J. & Rhee, C.H. van, Elements of procedural law, in: J. Hage & B. Akkermans (eds.), Introduction to law, Heidelberg: Springer, 2014, p. 287-311.
Rhee, C.H. van & Fu Yulin, The Role of the Judge and the Parties in Civil Litigation in China and Europe: An Introduction, in: C.H. van Rhee & Fu Yulin (eds.), Civil Litigation in China and Europe. Essays on the Role of the Judge and the Parties (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice 31), Dordrecht: Springer, 2014, p. 1-7.
Rhee, C.H. van & Verkerk, R., The Netherlands: A No-Nonsense Approach to Civil Procedure Reform, in: C.H. van Rhee & Fu Yulin (eds.), Civil Litigation in China and Europe. Essays on the Role of the Judge and the Parties (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice 31), Dordrecht: Springer, 2014, p. 259-280
Rhee, C.H. van, The Low Countries Until 1800, in: C.H. van Rhee & A.A. Wijffels (eds.), European Supreme Courts: A Portrait Through History, London: Third Millennium Publishing, 2013, p. 204-217
Rhee, C.H. van, Introduction: Supreme Judicature in the 20th and 21st Centuries, in: C.H. van Rhee & A.A. Wijffels (eds.), European Supreme Courts: A Portrait Through History, London: Third Millennium Publishing, 2013, p. 240-249
Rhee, C.H. van, De Lage Landen tot 1800, in: C.H. van Rhee & A.A. Wijffels (eds.), Hoogste gerechtshoven in Europa. Een historisch portret, Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Maklu-Uitgevers nv., 2013, p. 204-217
Rhee, C.H. van, Hoge rechtspraak in de 20ste en 21ste eeuw, in: C.H. van Rhee & A.A. Wijffels (eds.), Hoogste gerechtshoven in Europa. Een historisch portret, Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Maklu-Uitgevers nv., 2013, p. 240-249
Rhee, C.H. van & X.E. Kramer, Civil Litigation in a Globalising World: An Introduction, in: C.H. van Rhee & X.E. Kramer (eds.), Civil Litigation in a Globalising World, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer, 2012, p. 1-16
Rhee, C.H. van & Chen, L., Introduction, in: C.H. Rhee & L. Chen (eds.), Towards a Chinese Civil Code. Comparative and historical perspectives, Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012, p. 1-17
Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A., The Pursuit of Truth in Contemporary Civil Procedure: Revival of Accuracy or a New Balance in Favour of Effectiveness?, in: Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A. (eds.), Truth and efficiency in civil litigation. Fundamental aspects of fact-finding and evidence-taking in a comparative context (Ius Commune Europaeum, 111), Antwerp: Intersentia, 2012, p. 3-10.
Rhee, C.H. van, The Influence of the 1895 Austrian ZPO in the Netherlands, in: C.H. Rhee & L. Chen (eds.), Towards a Chinese Civil Code. Comparative and historical perspectives, Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012, p. 521-539
Rhee, C.H. van & Verkerk, R.R., Civil Procedure, in: J.M. Smits (ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, second ed., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012, p. 140-156
Fernhout, F.J. & Rhee, C.H. van, Elements of procedural law, in: J. Hage & M. Seitter (eds.), Introduction to law, Maastricht: Maastricht University, 2012, p. 285-324
Rhee, C.H. van, Evolución del Derecho Procesal Civil en Europa: Cómo el Juez Activo se Convirtió en lo Normal, Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Política, 2/2011), p. 11-40.
Rhee, C.H. van, An Unsuccesful Attempt to Modernise Civil Procedure in the Netherlands in the Early Twentieth Century, in: J. Gudowski & K. Weitz (eds.), Aurea praxis, aurea theoria, Ksiega pamiatkowa ku czci Profesora Tadeusza Erecieskiego, Warsaw: LexisNexis, 2011, p. 1567-1588.
Rhee, C.H. van & Meer, J.A.J.M. van der, Teaching European Legal History at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, in: K.A. Modéer & P. Nilsén (eds.), How to Teach European Comparative Legal History?, Lund, 2011, p. 143-155.
Rhee, C.H. van & Meer, J.A.J.M. van der, Teaching European Legal History, in: A.W. Heringa & B. Akkermans (eds.), Educating European Lawyers (Ius Commune Europaeum, 98), Antwerp: Intersentia, 2011, p. 247-260.
Rhee, C.H. van & Verkerk, R.R., Teaching comparative civil procedure, in: A.W. Heringa & B. Akkermans (eds.), Educating European lawyers (Ius Commune Europaeum, 98), Antwerp: Intersentia, 2011, p. 195-208.
Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A., The Landscape of the Legal Professions in Europe and the USA: Continuity and Change, in: A. Uzelac & C.H. van Rhee (eds.), The Landscape of the Legal Professions in Europe and the USA: Continuity and Change (Ius Commune Europaeum, 95), Antwerp, 2011, p. xxi-xxxii.
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil procedure in a globalizing world, in: M. Faure & A. van der Walt (eds.), Globalization and Private Law, Cheltenham, 2010, p. 343-363.
Rhee, C.H. van & Uzelac, A., Enforcement and Enforceability: An Introduction, in: C.H. van Rhee & A. Uzelac (eds.), Enforcement and Enforceability: Tradition and Reform (Ius Commune Europaeum, 84), Antwerp, 2010, p. xxv-xxxiii.
Rhee, C.H. van, Het civiele proces volgens het Wetboek op de Regterlijke Instellingen en Regtspleging in het Koningrijk Holland (1809), in: J.H.A. Lokin, J.M. Milo & C.H. van Rhee (eds.), Tweehonderd jaren codificatie van het privaatrecht in Nederland. Opstellen over (de geschiedenis van) het privaatrecht naar aanleiding van het tweede eeuwfeest van het Wetboek Napoleon ingerigt voor het Koningrijk Holland, Groningen, 2010, p. 131-148.
Rhee, C.H. van & Krans, H.B., De Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure: een inleiding, Tijdschrift voor Civiele Rechtspleging 2009, p. 49-51.
Rhee, C.H. van, ‘… maar is in rechte de juge gehouden voer sot die de cause expresseert’. De motivering van civiele vonnissen in de 16e eeuw: Jacobus de Wilde v. Mechelen (1535), in: C.H. van Rhee & et al. (eds.), Fabrica Iuris, Nijmegen, 2009, p. 51-64.
Rhee, C.H. van, Uzelac, A., Introduction, in: A. Uzelac & C.H. van Rhee (eds.), Access to Justice and the Judiciary. Towards New European Standards of Affordability, Quality and Efficiency of Civil Adjudication (Ius Commune Europaeum, 77), Antwerp, 2009, p. 1-12.
Rhee, C.H. van, Presumptions in Dutch Private Law (19th-20th c.) Within a European Context, A.W. Jongbloed (ed.), The XIIIth World Congress of Procedural Law: The Belgian and Dutch Reports, Antwerp: Intersentia, 2008, p. 285-304
Rhee, C.H. van, Dutch Civil Procedure: Reform and Efficiency, in: C.H. van Rhee & A. Uzelac (eds.), Civil Justice between Efficiency and Quality: From Ius Commune to the CEPEJ (Ius Commune Europaeum, 74), Antwerp, 2008, p. 47-60
Rhee, C.H. van, Civilinio proceso teisès derinimas Europos Sajungoje, in: Lietuvos CPK igyvendinimo Problemos. Nacionaliniai ir Tarptautiniai Aspektai, Vilnius, 2007, p. 100-109.
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Litigation in Twentieth Century Europe, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 2007, p. 307-319
Rhee, C.H. van, De rol van de burgerlijke rechter in de negentiende eeuw: ‘case management’ avant la lettre in Genève, Nederland en België, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 2007, p. 189-198
Rhee, C.H. van, The Development of Civil Procedural Law in Twentieth Century Europe: A Retrospective View, in: A. Pellegrini Grinover & P. Calmon (eds.), Direito Processual Comparado, Rio de Janeiro, 2007, p. 623-635
Rhee, C.H. van, The Future of Dutch Civil Procedure, in: X. (ed.), The Recent Tendencies of Development in Civil Procedure Law – between East and West, Vilnius, 2007, p. 83-93
Rhee, C.H. van, English Civil Procedure until the Civil Procedure Rules (1998), in: C.H. van Rhee (ed.), European Traditions in Civil Procedure, Antwerp [etc.], 2005, p. 129-159.
2003), Dublin, 2005, p. 88-105.
Rhee, C.H. van, Measures to Speed Up Civil Litigation in the Sixteenth Century Low Countries, in: C.H. van Rhee, The Law’s delay. Essays on Undue Delay in Civil Litigation, Intersentia, Antwerp/Oxford/New York 2004, p. 247-256.
Rhee, C.H. van, Geen rechtsgeleerdheid, maar rechtswetenschap!, Themis 4/2004, p. 196-201.
Rhee, C.H. van, English and Continental Civil Procedure: Similarities Today and in the Past, in: J. Sondel et. al. (eds.), Roman Law as Formative of Modern Legal Systems. Studies in Honour of Wieslaw Litewski, Krakow, 2003, p. 201-216.
Rhee, C.H. van, Exceptiones Dilatoriae and Peremptoriae: From Roman Law to Modern Civil Procedure in the Netherlands, in: L. de Ligt, J. de Ruiter, E. Slob, J.M. Tevel, M. van de Vrugt, L.C. Winkel (eds.), Viva Vox Iuris Romani – Essays in Honour of Johannes Emil Spruit, Amsterdam, 2002, p. 297-313.
Rhee, C.H. van, Nederlandse opvattingen over de toekomst van het burgerlijk procesrecht in het eerste kwart van de twintigste eeuw, in: A.W. Jongbloed (ed.), Beschouwingen over het nieuwe procesrecht, Den Haag, 2001, p. 13-20.
Rhee, C.H. van, De eis in reconventie in heden, verleden en toekomst, in: C.J.H. Jansen, M. van de Vrugt (eds.), Recht en Geschiedenis. Bijdragen tot de rechtsgeschiedenis van de negentiende en twintigste eeuw, Nijmegen, 1999, p. 129-140.
Rhee, C.H. van, De deurwaarder, in: M.A. Moelands, J.Th. de Smidt (eds.), Weegschaal en Zwaard, De verbeelding van Recht en Gerechtigheid in Nederland, Den Haag, 1999, p. 48-52.
Rhee, C.H. van, Execution for Debt against Immovable Property under the Supervision of the Great Council of Malines, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 63/1995, p. 45-82.
Rhee, C.H. van, Een onderzoek naar de stijl van procederen in eerste aanleg voor de Grote Raad van Mechelen (ca. 1530-1580), Standen en Landen, 1993, p. 5-15.
Rhee, C.H. van, Towards a Procedural Ius Commune?, Russian Yearbook on Civil Procedure & Arbitration, 7-8/2009-2010, St-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg University Press, 2011, p. 201-217 (Cyrillic).
Rhee, C.H. van, Dutch Civil Procedural Law in an International Context, Russian Yearbook on Civil Procedure & Arbitration, 7-8/2009-2010, St-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg University Press, 2011, p. 118-137 (Cyrillic).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Development of Civil Procedural Law in Twentieth-Century Europe: From party Autonomy to Judicial Case Management and Efficiency, Russian Yearbook on Civil Procedure & Arbitration, 7-8/2009-2010, St-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg University Press, 2011, p. 82-95 (Cyrillic).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Influence of the French Code de Procédure Civile (1806) in 19th Century Europe, Russian Yearbook on Civil Procedure & Arbitration, 7-8/2009-2010, St-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg University Press, 2011, p. 161-200 (Cyrillic).
Rhee, C.H. van, Towards a Procedural Ius Commune?, Justice and History, Special of the Journal of Justice, Xiamen University Press, 2009, p. 432-442 (Chinese).
Rhee, C.H. van, Dutch Civil Procedural Law in an International Context, Volume edited by M. Deguchi, Shinzansha, 2008, p. 57-81 (Japanese).
Rhee, C.H. van, Dutch civil procedure in the 19th and 20th c., Russian Yearbook of Civil Procedure 2007, Moscow, 2008, p. 568-580 (Cyrillic).
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, M. Freudenthal, Kroniek van het burgerlijk procesrecht, juni 1999-juni 2000, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, 8/2000, p. 387-400.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Kroniek van het burgerlijk procesrecht, juni 1998 – juni 1999, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, 10/1999, p. 332-344.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Kroniek van het burgerlijk procesrecht, augustus 1997-mei 1998, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, 8/1998, p. 276-286.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Kroniek van het burgerlijk procesrecht, januari-juli 1997, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, 9/1997, p. 283-291.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed (eds.), Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2016-2017, Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri, 2016.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2015-16, Nijmegen, 2015.
Rhee, C.H. van, Klomp, R. J. Q., Spath, J. B., Jongbloed, A. W., Mak, C., Burgerlijk recht 2015-2016, Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri, 2015.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2014-15, Nijmegen, 2014.
Rhee, C.H. van, Klomp, R.J.Q., Spath, J.B., Jongbloed, A.W., Mak, C., Burgerlijk recht 2014-2015, Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri, 2014.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2013-14, Nijmegen, 2013.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2012-13, Nijmegen, 2012.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2011-12, Nijmegen, 2011.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2010-11, Nijmegen, 2010, 732 p.
Rhee, C.H. van, Jongbloed, A.W., Klomp, R.J.Q. & Mak, C. (eds.), Burgerlijk recht 2010/2011 (Ars Aequi wetseditie), Nijmegen, 2010, 1168 p.
Rhee, C.H. van & Jongbloed, A.W. (eds.), Ars Aequi Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2009/10, Nijmegen, 2009, 696 p.
Rhee, C.H. van, Klomp, R.J.Q., Spath, J.B., Jongbloed, A.W. & Mak, C. (eds.), Wetseditie Burgerlijk recht 2009/2010 (Ars Aequi wetsedities, 5de druk), Nijmegen, 2009, 1103 p.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2008/2009, Nijmegen, 2008.
Rhee, C.H. van, Jongbloed, A.W., Klomp, R.J.Q. & Mak, C. (eds.), Burgerlijk recht 2008/2009 (Ars Aequi wetseditie), Nijmegen, 2009.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2007/2008, Nijmegen, 2007.
Rhee, C.H. van, Jongbloed, A.W., Klomp, R.J.Q., Mak, C. & Spath, J.B., Wetseditie Burgerlijk recht 2007/2008. Nijmegen, 2007
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2006/2007, Nijmegen, 2006.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2005/2006, Nijmegen, 2005.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2004/2005, Nijmegen, 2004.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2003/2004, Nijmegen, 2003.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2002/2003, Nijmegen, 2002.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2001/2002, Nijmegen, 2001.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2000/2001, Nijmegen, 2000.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, R.J.Q. Klomp, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 1999/2000, Nijmegen, 1999.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, R.J.Q. Klomp, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 1998/1999, Nijmegen, 1998.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, R.J.Q. Klomp, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 1997/1998, Nijmegen, 1997.
Rhee, C.H. van, A.W. Jongbloed, R.J.Q. Klomp, Wettenbundel Burgerlijk Procesrecht 1996/1997, Nijmegen, 1996.
Rhee, C.H. van & Winkel, L.C., Een Romeinsrechtelijke coryfee, Pro Memorie: Bijdragen tot de rechtsgeschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2010, 12(2), p. 146-168.
Rhee, C.H. van, Seventeenth British Legal History Conference in Londen (4-7 juli 2005), Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis, 2006, p. 236-237.
Rhee, C.H. van, Voorwoord, in: M.-Ch. Le Bailly, Chr.M.O. Verhas, Procesgids Hoge Raad van Holland en Zeeland (1582-1795), Hilversum, 2006, p. 7-8.
Rhee, C.H. van (et al.), Mediation in Nederland, België en Europa, Tijdschrift voor Civiele Rechtspleging, 2005, p. 32-33.
Rhee, C.H. van, Sixteenth British Legal History Conference in Dublin (2-5 juli 2003), Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis, 2004, p. 189-190.
Rhee, C.H. van, J.H.M. van Erp, Introduction to the Special Issue on Property Law, European Review of Private Law, 3/2003, p. 279-281.
Rhee, C.H. van, Hugo de Groot, Mr., nov. 2000, p. 64.
Rhee, C.H. van, Preface, in: G. De Leval (ed.), Les saisies et le surendettement dans l’Union Européenne, Deventer, 1997, p. v-x.
Rhee, C.H. van & Sicking, L., Victim reparation under the ius post bellum prior to Westphalia: Englishmen and Scots seeking redress through a network of legal institutions in the Low Countries (British Legal History Conference, University College London, 05-07-2017).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Dutch Consumer Complaints Boards: An Interesting Approach to Solving Consumer Complaints Outside the State Courts (Conference Consumer Policy in a Comparative Perspective: New Challenges in Chinese, European and International Law, University of Macau, 29/30-06-2017).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Netherlands Commercial Court and Recent Reforms in Dutch Civil Procedure (Public and Private Justice Conference, Dubrovnik, 30-05-2017).
Rhee, C.H. van, Enforcement of Judgments in the European Union (IDLO Course, Podgorica, Montenegro, 8/9-12-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, European Rules of Civil Procedure (European Law Institute, Vienna, 21/22-11-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, Rules of European Civil Procedure (Mepli Round Table, Maastricht, 25-11-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, Chinese and European Law from an Historical and Comparative Perspective (Paper, Conference Global Communication of Chinese Theory and Practice of International Law, Wuhan, 29-10-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, Comparative Civil Procedure (Guest lectures, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 15/21-10-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, Recent Trends in Civil Procedure in Europe (Guest lecture, Central University, Beijing, 14-10-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, Expert Meeting Proefschrift Marnix Snel (Tilburg, 03-06-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, Concluding Remarks at Conference on Model European Rules of Civil Procedure and the new Hungarian Civil Procedure Act (Judges Academy, Budapest, 31-05-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, New Approach to Invoking Grounds for Refusal of Recognition and Enforcement of a Decision given in another Member State According to Brussels I (recast) (Conference on Corporate Entities at the Market and European Dimensions, Portoroz, Slovenia, 19-05-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, Chair of Working Group on the powers of the judge, the parties and their lawyers of the ELI/Unidroit project on European Rules of Civil Procedure (2015-2018).
Rhee, C.H. van, Personal Data Protection and its Implications for Civil Justice: A Perspective from the Netherlands (Guest lecture, University of Insubria, Varese, 18-05-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, Legal Integration in Modern market Economies. The Needs, the Benefits, and the Pitfalls (Guest lecture, Bangkok University, 18-03-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Need for Common Standards of EU Civil Procedure (Conference From Common Rules to Best Practices in European Civil Procedure, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 25/25-02-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Supreme Court of the Netherlands (Conference on Overburdened Supreme Courts. Transplanting Solutions?, Maastricht, 17/18-02-2016).
Rhee, C.H. van, The ALI/UNIDROIT Principles and the Market Economy (China-Europe Academic Conference, Beijing, 5/6-11-2015).
Rhee, C.H. van, Reform of the Armenian Code of Civil Procedure (European Union and Council of Europe Joint Project, Strengthening the Independence, Professionalism and Accountability of the Justice System in Armenia, Maastricht, 25-08-2015).
Rhee, C.H. van, E-Justice: New Developments and Best Practices in the Netherlands (Conference European Civil Justice as E-Justice, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 22-24 April 2015).
Rhee, C.H. van, Control of the Supreme Courts in the Low Countries in the Early-Modern Period (Workshop Control of the Supreme Courts in Europe in the 16th and 17thth Century, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 29 March 2015).
Rhee, C.H. van, Recent developments in Civil Procedure: Towards European Union Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure? (Guest Lecture, City University Hong Kong, 27 February 2015).
Rhee, C.H. van, European Rules of Civil Procedure (Mepli Round Table, Maastricht, 10-02-2015).
Rhee, C.H. van, De rol van de procesrechtsgeschiedenis bij de vormgeving van de Transnational Principles of European Civil Procedure (ELI/UNIDROIT) (Dispuut Forum Romanum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 18 november 2014).
Rhee, C.H. van, Getting the Message Across (Workshop Publishing Internationally in Legal Science, University of Bergen, Norway, 3-4 November 2014).
Rhee, C.H. van, Collective redress in the European Union: Comparative Perspectives (Paper for the Civil Procedure Group, University of Bergen, Norway, 5 November 2014).
Rhee, C.H. van, Superior Courts in the Dutch Republic (1581-1795): An Independent “Judiciary”controlled by the “Executive” (Guest Lecture, University of Stockholm, Sweden, 24 October 2014).
Rhee, C.H. van, Organization of the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Supreme Court of the Netherlands) (Colloquium The Functions of the Supreme Court: Issues of Process and Administration of Justice, University of Warsaw & Supreme Court of Poland, 12-14 June 2014).
Rhee, C.H. van, Dimensions of Evidence in European Civil Procedure (Porto, 7/11-05-2014).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Supreme Court of the Netherlands and its History (International Workshop on Supreme Courts, Peking University Law School, Beijing, China, 12-13 April 2014)
Rhee, C.H. van, Harmonisation of Civil Procedure in the EU (Workshop Civil Procedure and the Legal Integration of Europe, University of Bergen, Norway, 3 March 2014).
Rhee, C.H. van, The role of continental European superior courts in shaping the law in the Early-Modern Period (15th-18th c.) (Conference People, Power and Place, Australia and New Zealand Law and History Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 26 November 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, Multi-party litigation in the Netherlands in Comparative Perspective (Conference Public Interest Litigation – Group Litigation – Comparative Perspectives, Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Budapest, 8 November 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, Obligations of Parties and Lawyers in Civil Litigation (Conference From Transnational Principles to European Rules of Civil Procedure, European Law Institute, Vienna, 19 October 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, Onafhankelijkheid van de Rechter (Conference De onafhankelijke rechter in tijden van bureaucratisering en bezuiniging. Sluipende aantasting van de rechterlijke onafhankelijkheid?, Court of First Instance, Maastricht, 4 October 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, Presumptions (4th International Conference of Evidence Law and Forensic Science, Beijing, PR China, 21 July 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, Balancing Accessibility, Speed and Fairness in the Review of Civil Cases in the Netherlands (Conference Council of Europe, Yekatrinburg, Russian Federation, 2 July 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, History of Superior Courts in Europe (Paper University of Bergen, Norway, 14 June 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, Presumptions (Conference Evidence in Civil Procedure. Fundamental Issues and Challenges for Reform, IUC Dubrovnik, 28 May 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, Appellate Review in Civil Cases in the Netherlands (Conference Council of Europe, Saratov, Russian Federation, 21 May 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Comparative History of Central Courts in Europe and the Americas (Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, Maastricht, 13/15-05-2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, Locus Standi in Dutch Civil Litigation in Comparative Perspective (Conference Recent Trends in Civil Procedure, University of Vilnius, Vilnius, 9-10 May 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, Workshop Supreme Judicature in the Early-Modern Period (Workshop project Gerda Henkel Foundation, Maastricht, 13-15 May 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, Appeal in Administrative Litigation in the Netherlands (Conference Council of Europe, Astrakhan, Russian Federation, 16 April 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, Origins of the procedural model of the Dutch overseas territories (guest lecture, University of Aruba, Oranjestad, Aruba, February 2013).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Spread of the French Procedural Model in the Early-Modern Period (Conference Receiving Laws/Giving Law, Australia and New Zealand Law and History Conference, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 10-12 December 2012).
Rhee, C.H. van, Appeal in Civil and Administrative Cases: Comparative Perspectives (Conference Council of Europe, Moscow Regional Court, 13 November 2012).
Rhee, C.H. van, Appellate Review in Europe: Comparative Perspectives (Conference Council of Europe, Krasnodar, Russian Federation, 2-5 October 2012).
Rhee, C.H. van, Goals of Civil Justice: Dutch Perspective (Conference Civil Procedure in Cross-Cultural Dialogue, IAPL, Moscow, 18-21 September 2012).
Rhee, C.H. van, Role of the Parties and the Judge in the Netherlands (Conference The Role of the Parties and the Judge in Civil Litigation: Comparative Perspectives China-Europe, Beijing, PR China, 1-2 September 2012).
Rhee, C.H. van, Enforcement of Civil Judgments in the Netherlands (Conference on the Reform of the Code of Civil Procedure of Chile, organised by the Ministry of Justice, at the University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, March 2012).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Dutch Court Bailiff’s Profession: An Example for Chile? (presentation at the Supreme Court of Chile, Santiago de Chile, March 2012).
Rhee, C.H. van, Judicial Case Management: A Comparative Perspective (guest lecture at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, March 2012).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Procedure in Europe: Main trends (guest lecture at the University of Amsterdam, 03-02-2012).
Rhee, C.H. van, The role of Roman-canon law in the shaping of our modern civil procedural law and the problems it has created (seminar University of Oslo, 18-11-2011).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Modernisation of the Bailiff’s Office in the Netherlands (paper, Academy of Law of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 07-10-2011).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Significance of the Historic Ius Commune in Modern Legal Research and Education (key note address to the XVII Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians, Maastricht 13-04-2011).
Rhee, C.H. van, Harmonization of Civil Procedure on a Global Scale (paper, International Conference ‘European Civil Litigation and Executive Process’, Kazan (Volga) Federal University, Russian Federation, 25-03-2011).
Rhee, C.H. van, Comparative Civil Procedure (lectures, China EU Law School, Beijing, PR China, January 2011).
Rhee, C.H. van, European Law (lectures, China EU Law School, Beijing, PR China, November 2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Role of the Judges and the Parties in Civil Litigation: A History of Trial and Error (paper, conference Towards a Chinese Civil Code, City University Hong Kong, 23-10-2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Procedure in a Globalisng World (lecture, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 06-10-2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, Judicial Case Management (lecture, University of Insubria, Como, Italy, 05-10-2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, Judicial Case Management (lecture, University of Brescia, Italy, September 2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Procedure and Globalisation (lecture, University of Pavia, Italy, September 2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, Comparative Civil Procedure (series of lectures at the Faculty of Law of the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, 12/16-07-2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, Comparative Legal History (paper, European Society for Comparative Legal History, Valencia, 05-07-2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, Harmonization of Civil Procedure from a Legal Historical Perspective (paper, Congres Civil Litigation in a Globalizing World, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 17-06-2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, Legal Professions in a Comparative Perspective (paper, Conference Landscape of the European Legal Profession: Has Unity Been Lost?, Dubrovnik, Inter-University Centre, 24-05-2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Litigation in Europe (5 guest lectures, Urals State Academy, Yekatrinburg, Russia, 15-19 March 2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Procedure and Globalization (guest lecture, University of Cape Town, 17-02-2010).
Rhee, C.H. van, Approximation of civil procedure or not? (staff seminar, City University Hong Kong, 14-11-2009).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Transnational Principles of Civil Procedure: A European Perspective (guest lecture, Xiangtan University, China, 13-11-2009).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Procedure, Its History and Its Future (guest lecture, Faculty of Law ‘Simion Barnatiu’, University of Sibiu, Romania, 29-10-2009).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Litigation and the EU (guest lecture, Department of Legal Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 14-10-2009).
Rhee, C.H. van, How to teach European Legal History? (paper, Pufendorf Seminar, Lund, Sweden, 19-08-2009).
Rhee, C.H. van, The History of the Huissier de Justice (paper, Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, May 2009).
Rhee, C.H. van, Het Burgerlijk Procesrecht ten tijde van Koning Lodewijk Napoleon (paper, conferentie 200 jaar Wetboek Napoleon Ingerigt voor het Koningrijk Holland, Utrecht, 15-05-2009).
Rhee, C.H. van, An Ideal Marriage of Codification and Nationalism? The Netherlands (American Society for Legal History, Ottawa, 14-11-2008).
Rhee, C.H. van, Comparative Law Governing Lawyers (Course Duke-Geneva Institute in Transnational Law, Geneva, July 2008).
Rhee, C.H. van, Case Management from a Comparative Perspective (Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, May 2008).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Litigation in the Netherlands: Attractive for Businesses? (Conference Civil Justice Systems in Europe: Implications for Choice of Forum and Choice of Contract Law, Oxford, 15-03-2008).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Litigation in a Globalising World (University of Stellenbosch (South Africa), December 2007).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Procedure in Europe (University of Zagreb, November 2007).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Litigation in 20th Century Europe (18th British Legal History Conference, Oxford, July 2007).
Rhee, C.H. van, Continental Features of Civil Procedural Law in Mixed Legal Systems (Second Worldwide Congress on Mixed Jurisdictions, Edinburgh, 30-06-2007).
Rhee, C.H. van, Reforms in Dutch Civil Procedure from a Comparative Perspective (Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, May 2007).
Rhee, C.H. van, Recent Developments in Dutch Civil Procedural Law in a European Context (paper, conference Recent Tendencies in the Development of Civil Procedural Law, Vilnius, 2007).
Rhee, C.H. van, Le Code de procédure civile francais dans les traditions juridiques européennes (Cour de Cassation, Paris, 16-11-2006).
Rhee, C.H. van, Historical Introduction (Bicentennial of the French Code de procédure civile, Ghent, 27-10-2006).
Rhee, C.H. van, Dutch Civil Procedure in an International Context (International Association of Procedural Law, Kyoto, September 2006).
Rhee, C.H. van, History of Civil Litigation in Europe (Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, May 2006).
Rhee, C.H. van, Case Management in Civil Litigation in Twentieth Century Europe: A Retrospective View (Ius Commune Conference, Edinburgh, December 2005).
Rhee, C.H. van, History of English Civil Procedure (Round-Table on Common Traditions in Civil Procedure, Zurich, 03-12-2004).
Rhee, C.H. van, Der Einfluss des Zivilprozessmodells von Franz Klein in den Niederlanden (Bundesministerium für Justiz, Vienna, 06-05-2004).
Rhee, C.H. van, De Geschiedenis van het Burgerlijk Procesrecht in de 20ste eeuw. Een terugblik (Royal Flemish Academy for Science and the Arts – Colloquium De Geschiedenis van het Recht in de Twintigste Eeuw, Brussels, 21-11-2003).
Rhee, C.H. van, Early Attempts to Codify Civil Procedure in the Netherlands (British and Irish Legal History Conference, University College, Dublin, 2/5-07-2003).
Rhee, C.H. van, Van Rhee vs Heirbaut: Paneldiscussie over de rechtsgeschiedenis in het onderwijs en onderzoek na Bologna (17e Belgisch-Nederlandse rechtshistorische dagen, Kortrijk-Yper, 14-15 maart 2003).
Rhee, C.H. van, De regelgevende bevoegdheid van de rechter vóór de codificatie: het burgerlijk procesrecht (Congres Interactie tussen wetgever en rechter vóór de Trias Politica, Tilburg, December 2002).
Rhee, C.H. van, European Legal Systems are Converging: The Example of Procedural Law (Conference organised by the Faculty of Law of the University of Stellenbosch and the Ius Commune Research School, Stellenbosch (South Africa), February 2002).
Rhee, C.H. van, Het burgerlijk procesrecht: een historisch fenomeen met toekomstperspectief (University of Ghent, 19-12-2001).
Rhee, C.H. van, De Raad voor de Rechtspraak (Gerechtelijk Recht, Ghent, December 2001).
Rhee, C.H. van, Parlementaire Geschiedenis Nederland (19e en 20e eeuw) (Guest lecture Legal History, Ghent, December 2001).
Rhee, C.H. van, Het Openbaar Ministerie in historisch perspectief: Amicus Curiae of niet? (Interuniversitair Centrum voor Gerechtelijk Recht, Leuven, December 2001).
Rhee, C.H. van, The History of Delay in Civil Procedure (Conference Ius Commune Research School, Utrecht, November 2001).
Rhee, C.H. van, The History of Civil Procedure in Europe (Guest lecture Legal History, Ghent, November 2001).
Rhee, C.H. van, Excepties: van Rome naar Den Haag (Comité Rechtsgeschiedenis, Royal Flemish Academy for Science and the Arts, Ghent, November 2001).
Rhee, C.H. van, Approximation of Civil Procedure: What Does Legal History Tell Us? (15th British Legal History Conference, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, July 2001).
Rhee, C.H. van, Charles V and His Efforts to Harmonize and Rationalize Civil Procedural Law (International Association of Procedural Law, Ghent, 2000).
Rhee, C.H. van, Het wetsvoorstel bezien vanuit historisch perspectief (Colloquium Nieuw Wetsontwerp Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering, Utrecht, 2000).
Rhee, C.H. van, Van Espen, Courts of Law and Legal Remedies (Colloquium Zeger-Bernard Van Espen (1646-1728), 300 Years Ius Ecclesiasticum Universum, Leuven, 22-09-2000).
Rhee, C.H. van, Procesrechtelijk Ius Commune (Romeinsrechtelijk dispuut Forum Romanum, Amsterdam, 1999).
Rhee, C.H. van, Civil Procedure: An Academic Subject? (Royal Flemish Academy for Science and the Arts, Brussels, 1999).
Rhee, C.H. van, Romano-canonical Influences: Civil Procedure and the Judicature Acts (1873-1875) (British Legal History Conference, Edinburgh, 1999).
Rhee, C.H. van, Trusts and Ius Commune (Conference Trusts in Mixed Legal Systems, Utrecht, 1999).
Rhee, C.H. van, Rol procesrechtsgeschiedenis bij vormgeven modern procesrecht (Workshop Procesrecht (Corsendonck III), Utrecht, 1998).
Rhee, C.H. van, De taak van de rechtshistoricus in de juridische opleiding (Workshop Rechtsgeschiedenis (Corsendonck III), Utrecht, 1998).
Rhee, C.H. van, Europese stelsels van Procesrecht convergeren (Rechtshistorisch dispuut Salvius Julianus, Utrecht, 1998).
Rhee, C.H. van, Snelheid en efficiency in hoger beroep (16e eeuw) (Studiedag procesrecht, Leuven, 1998).
Rhee, C.H. van, Codificatie van burgerlijk procesrecht in de VS (Belgisch-Nederlands Rechtshistorisch Congres, Ghent, 1998).
Rhee, C.H. van, European Law and the Former Socialist States (Guest Lecture University of Kiev (Ukraine), 1998).
Rhee, C.H. van, European Law (Guest Lecture University of Odessa (Ukraine), 1998).
Rhee, C.H. van, The Relevance of European Law from an Eastern European Perspective (Guest Lecture University of Chisinau (Moldova), 1998).
Rhee, C.H. van, De eis in reconventie (Studiedag Rechtsgeschiedenis 19e eeuw, Utrecht, 1997).
Rhee, C.H. van, Some Remarks on European Law: The Anti-Helms-Burton Measures (Wayne State University Law School, Detroit, 1997).
Rhee, C.H. van, De traagheid van de civiele procedure (Belgisch-Nederlands Rechtshistorisch Congres, Tilburg, 1997).
Rhee, C.H. van, Innovation and Imitation: The influence of French examples on the organisation and procedure of the superior courts in the Low Countries (International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 1996).
Rhee, C.H. van, Bezitsacties (Nederlands-Belgische Studiekring voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, Antwerp, 1996).
Rhee, C.H. van, Harmonisering van procesrecht in Europees verband (Workshop Procesrecht (Corsendonck I), Oud-Turnhout, 1996).
Rhee, C.H. van, Philips Wielant (Comité Rechtsgeschiedenis, Royal Academy of Belgium, Brussels, 1995).
Rhee, C.H. van, De Franse invloed op het procesrecht in de Lage Landen vanaf de 14e tot en met de 19e eeuw (AIO-cursus rechtsgeschiedenis, Rotterdam, 1995).
Rhee, C.H. van, De dagvaardingsprocedure bij de Grote Raad van Mechelen (16e eeuw) (AIO-congres, Raad van State, Den Haag, 21-4-1994).
Rhee, C.H. van, Een onderzoek naar de stijl van procederen voor de Grote Raad van Mechelen rond 1559 (AIO-congres, Leusden, 6/7-12-1991).
Rhee, C.H. van, Particuliere landerijen in Nederlands-Indië en het zogenoemde erfpachtsrecht (1836-1912) (Studiedag 19e-eeuwse rechtsgeschiedenis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 31 mei 1991).